Thursday, November 25, 2010

Tic Tac holders

I saw this adorable Tic Tac holder on, her 10-22-10 post. They are super quick to whip up, and super cute to give away.

I used my cute reasonable ribbon club ribbons on these little gifty's. Love it! And the stamp is new cutie-pa-tootie from SU!

Hee hee, I had to cheat and put a mini candy cane inside, cuz its Thanksgiving and I have a rule of not going to the store. Especially just for a package or 4 (ok, so I couldn't just make 1 or 2 but 4 because they are so cute!) of Tic Tacs. So I improvised. But it doesn't detract from its cuteness, in my humble opinion.

I hope everyone had a fabulous family filled day. Happy Thanksgiving to one and all, but especially you.

Find inspiration everywhere! Go... Create something fun & fabulous. Enjoy!

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