It's been sooo long. Sorry. I was suffering from bronchitis and my family all got it too. Of course it takes me the longest to recover from it. Ugh. But I think I am getting my mojo back. I have been playing with paper a little. But it's nothing new, just repeats of projects I have already shown, but I have been knitting and sewing up a storm. I seem to do this once or twice a year, just switch gears completely and go for the fibre's and fabrics instead of paper. This is one of those fabric projects I have been eager to do. I have pinned on Pinterest a bunch of these ideas, the one that influenced the final project the most is this one. This will make a nice trick or treating bag.
Find inspiration everywhere! Go... Create something fun & fabulous. Enjoy!

Find inspiration everywhere! Go... Create something fun & fabulous. Enjoy!

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